Exploring relationships, friendships and the ties that bond us together.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
ACFW New Releases: May 2013
Follow the Heart by Kaye Dacus -- An American woman is sent to England to marry wealth, but finds herself torn between the poor man she loves and the viscount who offers the wealth and stability that can save her family. (Historical Romance from B & H Publishing).
When a Secret Kills by Lynette Eason -- Investigative reporter, Jillian Carter, comes home after ten years in hiding to join forces with Detective Colton Brady to put a killer behind bars. (Thriller/Suspense from Revell (Baker).
Always, Abby by Linda S. Glaz -- A war orphan, a planned wedding, and a pretty face, all destined to unravel the best laid plans. (Historical Romance from Heartsong Presents).
Widow of Gettysburg (Heroines Behind the Lines) by Jocelyn Green -- A Union widow must rebuild her life after war rips through her home, while her heart wages its own battle against a draw she feels toward the enemy. (Historical from River North (Moody).
Once Upon a Prince by Rachel Hauck -- Once Upon a Prince, the first novel in the Royal Wedding series, treats you to a modern-day fairy tale. Susanna Truitt never dreamed of a great romance or being treated like a princess---just to marry the man she has loved for twelve years. But life isn't going according to plan. When her high-school-sweetheart-turned-Marine-officer breaks up instead of proposing, Susanna scrambles to rebuild her life. The last thing Prince Nathaniel expects to find on his American holiday to St. Simon's Island is the queen of his heart. (Contemporary Romance from Zondervan).
The Marriage Barter by Christine Johnson -- A widow must marry within three days to keep her daughter. (Historical Romance from Love Inspired).
Talon: Combat Tracking Team by Ronie Kendig -- A veteran and a military intelligence operative team up to find a missing soldier. This time, survival depends on the courage of a traumatized combat tracking dog. (Romantic Suspense from Barbour Publishing).
Hill Country Cattleman by Laurie Kingery -- An aristocratic young lady flees England ahead of scandal, only to find love in the arms of a rugged Texas cowboy. (Historical Romance from Love Inspired).
Captured by Moonlight by Christine Lindsay -- Two women, one Indian, one English, each one captured and imprisoned by their past-Eshana by her traditional Hindu uncle for her faith in Christ, the other, Lieutenant Laine Harkness by her former fiancé, yet new life can come on the trade winds after the storm has passed. (Historical Romance Novella from Whitefire Publishing ).
A Heartbeat Away by S. Dionne Moore -- When a band of runaway slaves brings Union-loyal Beth Bumgartner a wounded Confederate soldier named Joe, it is the catalyst that pushes her to defy her pacifist parents and become a nurse during the Battle of Antietam. Her mother's mysterious goodbye gift is filled with quilt blocks that bring comfort to Beth during the hard days and lonely nights, but as she sews each block, she realizes there is a hidden message of faith within the pattern that encourages and sustains her. Beth learns Joe's secret and together they put the quilt's message to its greatest test-but can betrayal be forgiven? (Historical Romance from Abingdon Press).
Gone South: A Novel by Meg Moseley -- The sweet tea has gone bitter in Noble, Alabama, where newcomer Tish McComb soon learns that her family's roots there aren't seen as respectable-especially once she befriends a local prodigal daughter and things go from bad to worse. (Contemporary Women's Fiction from Waterbrook Multnomah).
The Face of the Earth by Deborah Raney When Mitchell Brannon's beloved wife of twenty years kisses him goodbye one morning, he has little idea that his life is about to change forever. (General Contemporary from Howard (Simon and Schuster).
No Way Out by Susan Sleeman -- When Alyssa Wells discovers her police husband was murdered and the killer threatens her life, Alyssa turns to former US Marshall Cole Justice to keep her alive. (Romantic Suspense from Love Inspired).
Love's Stormy Gale by Lynette Sowell -- Two years ago, Olivia Shea was trying on her wedding gown, dreaming of marriage and motherhood. But her fisherman fiancé was lost at sea and Olivia fled, unable to stay in the New England fishing village. Now she's back in Fairport, determined to face her fears by working on a whale boat tour. But the charter's captain is the sole survivor of her fiancé's ill-fated voyage-a man of danger and memories. Jonathan Barrotta's scars from the night he nearly died run as deep as the vast Atlantic. To prove himself and to honor his friend's memory, he vows to fulfill his dream of piloting his own boat... (Contemporary Romance from Heartsong Presents).
Sweet Dreams by Carla Stewart -- Charm school in Texas wasn't what cousins Dusty Fairchild and Paisley Finch dreamed of, but when they fall in love with the same handsome young man, things get sticky, and only after a tragic accident do they learn where their true hearts, and dreams, lie. (Historical from Faith Words (Hachette).
Catch a Falling Star by Beth K. Vogt -- Is life about accomplishing plans . . . or wishes coming true . . . or something more? Dr. Kendall Haynes's plans to have it all-a career, a husband, a family-are eluding her. Now that she's thirty-six, she needs to stop wishing upon a star and face reality: Some dreams just never come true. Air Force pilot Griffin Walker prefers flying solo in the air and on the ground-until a dangerous choice ejects him from the cockpit. His life becomes even more complicated after the sudden death of his parents makes him the guardian of his sixteen-year-old brother. When their lives collide during a near tragedy, Kendall and Griffin must decide if they can embrace the unexpected changes God has waiting for them. (Contemporary Romance from Howard (Simon and Schuster).
Undeniably Yours by Becky Wade -- Soft-spoken Meg is more interested in art than in business, but when her father dies she inherits his oil company, his fortune, and his Thoroughbred horse ranch. She asks the ranch's caretaker, Bo, to shut the place down. But will Bo prove the only part of her father's empire worth keeping? (Contemporary Romance from Bethany House).
Wedding on the Rocks by Rose Ross Zediker -- When she traded small-town life for the bright lights of Chicago, Jennifer Edwards yearned to discover a world beyond Faith, South Dakota. So when her father's illness calls her home to run their cattle ranch, she tells herself it's temporary. Then why is she even thinking about a future with archaeology professor Brett Lange-the boy she left behind-whose life's work is digging up the past? (General Contemporary from Heartsong Presents).
Friendship and the movie: "The Four Season"
My favorite line in the movie, which strikes me every time I hear it, comes towards the end, where Carol Burnett's character, Kate, says "I don't want to be one of two people alone in the world at the end of my life. I want to have friends."
Isn't that how we all feel? We don't want to be alone, we want to have friends...meaningful friends.
I grew up as the daughter of an Air Force officer. If you know anything about the military life, you know we moved around a lot. So, there were friends who came and went, like the seasons. And thankfully, there were other friends, who despite the years and the distance, have remained close, lifelong friends.
We all have seasons with friendships. In high school, you never imagined life without your friends that you met then. Some of us are still close with those high school friends. But more often than not, I would guess, we did not maintain most of those relationships.
College might be a different story. I would think that a lot of us maintain at least some of the friends we had in college. My husband's freshman class from Texas A&M's Corps of Cadets is one great example. More on that unit soon.
Other friends we meet through church, or when we're going through similar circumstances, like mommy groups and school functions.
So, how do you maintain friendships when that season in time has passed? Do you even want to?
What is that special bond that brings friends together and holds them together?
I know we need to be intentional with friendships....with any relationship.
I need to be intentional, because it would be way too easy to focus just on my husband and not make an effort with outside friends.
But as the movie says, "I don't want to be one of two people alone in the world at the end of my life. I want to have friends."
Do you agree?
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Relationships are a Choice
Relationships are a choice... yes even family relationships. It's said that you can't help the family in which you're born, but you can help how you treat those family members. And you can help how you react when you feel you've been mistreated by others.
With blended families, that choice is even more important. I'll talk about that in a future blog.
For now, let's discuss family relationships. I was raised with three older brothers. Yes, I was the youngest, and the only girl...and probably a bit spoiled! My brothers knew how to work this to their advantage though.
On family trips, if they wanted to stop at Dairy Queen for a treat, my brothers nudged me and said "Hey, Beck, ask Dad if we can stop for ice cream." It was me who had to "ask Dad." They knew their chances were better if I did the asking.
As we've grown older and have lived our separate lives and even celebrated the fact that one of my brothers became a grandfather this year (gasp!), we could easily not remain close. Especially since the four of us live in three different states.
In fact, with one of my brothers, there was a period of time that we weren't getting along so well... we had lost our "friendship." Yes, we still hugged, were glad to see each other at family gatherings, and all of that. But we had lost that deeper connection that I still had with my other two brothers. It saddened me, but I chalked it up to the fact that we had gotten older and just went our separate ways.
Then there came a wonderful weekend. A spontaneous visit that turned out to be the weekend where my brother and I spent time one-on-one. Despite my parents and my husband being part of this weekend, something was in the air, and my brother and I were left alone on my parents back patio, and talked for hours.
It was one of those good talks. We started our discussing our mutual interests like writing and tennis, although he's a big fan of Rafa Nadal and I'm a fan of Roger Federer. That only made the conversation more endearing. We talked of our childhood and laughed at our different recollections of the same event.
In a single conversation (although long conversation), my brother and I found our connection again. We focused on our commonality, and respected our differences. We made the choice to be friends again, and hang on to our relationship.
While in some ways, I have an easier relationship with my other two brothers, I will always appreciate this special time I spent with this third brother.
Thankfully, I can tell you stories of special times with each of my brothers. I am grateful that we all have the bond where we choose to be friends and choose to be a part of one another's lives.
It's so easy to walk away... and with certain friendships and relationships, sometimes you need to walk away.
But my brothers and I have chosen to remain as close as we possibly can. We choose to enjoy the times we spend together and do our best to respect our differences.
We'll talk more about our relationship choices again.
But for now, what about you? What choices are you making in your family relationships?
Saturday, April 13, 2013
This blog is moving!

I appreciate your continuing support!
Photo Credit: We're Moving! by K Whiteford
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
Idols and Addictions
We all struggle with something. There's some addiction or idol that's distracting our focus from where it ought to be, on God, and on His plan for our lives. In our efforts to seek comfort, we beat up on ourselves, and then the cycle begins again. Why do you think there are terms like "emotional eating" and "retail therapy?" We're seeking comfort.
So, how do we get past these idols in our path? It's very difficult. Very difficult. But you start one day at a time. Try to eat a little less, replace that bad habit with a good habit, live a cash-only life to curb your retail shopping habits, turn off the TV. And don't forget the power of prayer.
Don't forget the power of friendships. It's so hard to open up about some of these issues in our lives. As you know from last Tuesday's blog post, I have a hard time opening up and choose to remain private. But I know the times when someone opens up to me and shares, then there is a blessing in sharing together, in leaning on one another as we deal with our struggles.
So, while there are times when we are embarrassed, ashamed or angry with ourselves, we need to know we're not alone. There are others struggling with the same addiction or battling the same idol...
Look around you... it could be a dear friend.
How can we open up and help each other? How can we minister to each other and feel less alone?
Any ideas?
Tuesday, April 02, 2013
Reaching Out
Last week, I talked about "Digging deeper" with friendships. That seemed to be something that at least a few of us can relate to.
Well, over the weekend, I did some reaching out of my own. I am a proud member of American Christian Fiction Writers (www.acfw.com) and in the spirit of full-disclosure, I also work for them. I work for ACFW because I love the organization. I'd still be a member even without being employed by them.
I like ACFW because it is an organization that encourages and supports writers. We cheer each other on and we want to see all of us succeed in publishing the stories God's given us to write. We all have stories to tell and we all want to succeed. Instead of fostering a spirit of competitiveness, ACFW fosters a spirit of support and of "we're all in this together."

With that in mind, I reached out via Facebook and on the ACFW loop for help in naming my blog and for help in "liking" my author page on Facebook (www.facebook.com/rebeccalvincent, in case you're interested). And without hesitation, without question, the "likes" drastically increased, and name suggestions for this blog increased as well.
I tried to take the time to thank everyone individually for "liking" my page. Hope I didn't miss anyone, because I truly appreciated it and was touched that they would do this.
Any one in the writing business, knows it's tough to develop an author "platform" and create that place where readers can find you. It's all about making those connections. It's a bit daunting, because writers would rather write, and not promote.
However, a comment from one of my writing friends brought me to tears. When I thanked her for the "like", she responded: "Of course! You're always so helpful to everyone else, time we helped you! Blessings and Joy."
That statement alone epitomizes how I feel about ACFW, and my other favorite writing group My Book Therapy (www.mybooktherapy.com). It's all about helping each other and supporting each other.
How would our lives be if we did this in the world around us? If we fostered a spirit of encouragement and support?
I can only hope and pray my writing, and more importantly, my friendship and relationships with others, will be a blessing to them. But today is a day when I feel overwhelmed with blessings.
So, what would happen if you took a chance and reached out? If you confided in a friend this week about an issue you were having? Do you think there would be an opportunity to bless each other?
Take a chance and let me know. This is a place where we can share. How can we take that first step together and reach out?
(Image courtesy of twobee/FreeDigitalPhotos.net)
Monday, April 01, 2013
We have a Winner!
Thanks to Jeannie for suggesting the winning name. She'll win either the $10 Starbucks card or the $10 Barnes & Noble card, her choice.
I hope you enjoy reading about the Ties That Bond Us together as we continue on with respective life journeys.
ACFW New Releases: April 2013
Below are some great books written by authors from American Christian Fiction Writers. There's a variety of genres from contemporary, historical, romance and even fantasy/sci-fi. Take a look if you need some good books to read!
More in-depth descriptions of these books can be found on the ACFW Fiction Finder website.
Diamond in the Rough by Jennifer AlLee and Lisa Karon Richardson -- Grant Diamond is a professional gambler on the run from his past. When he comes across a wagon wreck, the chance to escape his pursuers is too good a gamble to pass up, and he assumes the identity of the dead wagon driver. His plan takes an unexpected turn when local heiress Lily Rose mistakes him for the missionary she had asked to come work with the Wiyot Indians. Seeing Eureka as a promising place to lay low, Grant plays along. (Historical Romance from Whitaker House).
A Healing Heart by Angela Breidenbach -- Workaholic mother, Mara Keegan, has a heart attack and must trust her business to the one man who tried to destroy it. (Contemporary Romance from Abingdon Press).
Avenger by Heather Burch -- Nikki knew Damon Vessler would not let his prized creation go easily---she simply never imagined the lengths he'd go to get her back into his clutches, and turn Nikki's heart toward darkness. A Seeker at her heels, trained on her blood, Nikki flees with Raven alongside her for protection, while Mace and the other Halflings fight the battle that has erupted on earth. (Young Adult from Zondervan).
Son of Truth by Morgan L. Busse -- The war in the north is over, but the war for all the Lands has just begun. As the Shadonae solidify their hold on the city of Thyra, Rowen Mar, the last Eldaran and savior of the White City, awakens to find herself hunted by those she has saved. Meanwhile, the assassin Caleb Tala finds himself in the presence of the Word. The time of reckoning has come and he must pay the price for all the lives he has taken. But in his moment of judgment, Caleb is given a second chance to change his life. (Speculative Fiction from Marcher Lord Press).
Rock Harbor Search and Rescue by Robin Caroll and Colleen Coble-- In Rock Harbor Search and Rescue, a middle grade fiction novel based on Colleen Coble's bestselling Rock Harbor series for adults, kids will enjoy the mixture of pets, adventure, suspense, and a mystery. (Children/Middle Grade from Thomas Nelson).
With Eyes of Love by Linda S. Glaz -- Two families collide in a flood, but that collision doesn't define who they are, he real change happens when Pearl Harbor is bombed. (Historical Romance from Heartsong Presents).
Josiah's Treasure by Nancy Herriman -- A feisty young female artist with a secret past battles to establish her own gallery in 1880's San Francisco. (Historical Romance from Worthy Publishing).
Surrendered Love by Laura V.
Hilton -- Will a rebellious teen draw two old friends back together? (Contemporary Romance from Whitaker House).
Sundays in Fredericksburg by Eileen Key, Lynette Sowell, Connie Stevens and Marjorie Vawter -- Come to Fredericksburg, Texas, where four generations of couples encounter romance in Sunday Houses. Having become a schoolteacher to avoid marriage, Amelia Bachman finds her resolve crumbling before a smitten carpenter. Determined not to fall in love, Mildred Zimmermann carefully nurses an army medic crippled in love and war. Somewhat of a homebody, Trudy Meier isn't sure she has the courage to love a roving reporter. Gwendolyn's beautiful wildflower field is threatened by a geologist's search for knowledge. Will these four women risk their hearts for the love a stranger? (Contemporary Romance Novella from Barbour Publishing ).
The Heart Stone by Sherry Kyle -- When the biological father of Jessica MacAllister's son decides to break their custody agreement, Jessica and her son visit her Uncle George for advice and refuge… Following a year of grief, Evelyn Sweeney is finally ready to move on. Pondering her new path in life, her mind drifts to her first love, George MacAllister… When the lives of these two women cross, they discover that one heart-shaped ring binds their stories together. (Contemporary Women's Fiction from Abingdon Press).
All in Good Time (The Gilded Legacy) by Maureen Lang -- Can one impatient woman with a dream to provide a refuge for women in need melt the heart of an impervious, stingy banker? (Historical Romance from Tyndale House).
Love at Any Cost by Julie Lessman A spunky heiress without a fortune falls in love with a handsome pauper looking to marry well. (Historical Romance from Revell (Baker)).
Stress Test by Richard L. Mabry, M.D. -- They may not have enough evidence to convict him, but they have enough to ruin his life--if the kidnappers don't end it first. (Medical Suspense from Thomas Nelson).
Love Finds You in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin by Pamela S. Meyers -- Will she lose her heart to the man who stole her job? (Historical Romance from Summerside Press (Guideposts)).
Mending the Doctor's Heart by Tina Radcliffe -- A new job in Paradise, Colorado, seems like the perfect fresh start for Dr. Ben Rogers. Only problem is, Dr. Sara Elliott has been counting on getting the same job. Once they negotiate a shared trial run, Ben expects working with Sara to be less than pleasant. Instead, he finds himself drawn to her. She's dedicated and compassionate, exactly the type of woman he used to want-when family was an option. But Sara's life is just as emotionally complicated as his own. (Romance from Love Inspired).
Madeline's Protector by Vanessa Riley -- A chance meeting and a bullet wound change everything. (Historical Romance from White Rose (Penguin)).
A Lady's Choice (American Tapestries Series) by Sandra Robbins -- Sarah Whittaker travels to Washington, DC, where she joins forces with suffragists but finds herself imprisoned and near death in the Occoquan Workhouse. (Historical Romance from Summerside Press (Guideposts).
When the Morning Glory Blooms by Cynthia Ruchti -- Three eras. Three women desperate for hope. Three reasons to believe it won't come in time. (General Contemporary from Abingdon Press).
The Women of Valley View: Terri by Sharon Srock -- A daycare owner hungry for a family of her own falls for a man with all the family he needs. (General Contemporary from Harbourlight Books (Pelican)).
Georgia Sweethearts by Missy Tippens -- A wary realist fulfilling the requirements of her aunt's will is forced to share space with a charming dreamer. (Contemporary Romance from Love Inspired).
Captives (The Safe Lands) by Jill Williamson -- One choice could destroy them all. When eighteen-year-old Levi returned from Denver City with his latest scavenged finds, he never imagined he'd find his village of Glenrock decimated, loved ones killed by enforcers, and many---including his fiancee, Jem--taken captive. Now alone, Levi is determined to rescue what remains of his people, even if it means entering the Safe Land, a walled city that seems anything but safe. (Speculative Fiction from Zondervan).
The House that Love Built by Beth Wiseman -- Brooke has only loved one man. Owen's heart is filled with bitterness. Can a mysterious house bring them together for a second chance at love? (Contemporary Romance from Thomas Nelson).
The Winnowing Season (Amish Vines and Orchards, Book 2) by Cindy Woodsmall -- The tornado that devastated Kings' Orchard pushed Rhoda, Samuel, and Jacob to make a new start in Maine. Are they strong enough to withstand the challenges of establishing an Amish community-and brave enough to face the secrets that move with them? (Contemporary Romance from Waterbrook Multnomah).