Friday, March 29, 2013

Naming this Blog...A Few Hints

Thanks to everyone who has contributed ideas to re-name this blog. As I've looked over the suggestions, there are definitely some that resonate. So I thought I'd provide a few hints on what I'm looking for in the direction of this blog.

First, this is about relationships. But it's more than just love relationships, more than husband and wife. Relationships include friendship, fellowship, siblings, kids, parents, and co-workers. So, it's not just romantic love.

Second, I want this to be an interactive blog. It will be a place to share your stories, thoughts, ideas. Give me feedback, whether you agree or disagree with what I'm saying. Let me know if there's something you want to talk about more. We're all people and we all relate to others. Let's talk about the joys and frustrations involved with our various relationships.

So, something about "relating" or "connecting" might be good. Those who have suggested titles with "love" in it, well, those aren't resonating as much with me. But every suggestion is still under consideration as I really dig into the depths of this blog and its direction.

Or go in the direction of "Stories of Us" or "Our Stories."

I'll take suggestions through Monday at 12noon central time. I'd love to land on just the right name. The $10 Starbucks card or $10 Barnes & Noble card is still up for grabs.

As it's Easter weekend, I wish you all a wonderful and blessed Easter.


  1. "Connecting Spirits"

    1. Thanks for your suggestions, Denise. Great thoughts.
      Have a blessed Easter.

  2. "Spirits Relating"

  3. "Connected by Story"
    "Related by Story"

    1. Great suggestions, Ava. Definitely on the right path. Thank you for taking the time to comment! Have a blessed Easter!

  4. I like this one, Ane! Thank you for taking the time to share your suggestion.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  5. Con-cent

    1..Con- for connecting
    2. Cent - last part of your name which means to conquer which is the ultimate success when you conquer the ability to develop lifelong relationships.
    3. The word concent (Latin) means literally to sing and play together.

    1. Great suggestion, Karen. Thanks for commenting.
      Hope you have a wonderful Easter. I'll hug your daughter for you tomorrow. :)

  6. Here's my two cents:

    Rebecca's Rapport

    1. Thanks, Deb. Fun suggestion! Appreciate you taking the time to post. Have a blessed Easter!

  7. Anonymous11:36 PM

    How about "Coming Home - Community in the Body of Christ" ???

  8. Ties that Bond

    (like a play on "ties that bind"...and you could have string/twine wrapping up several books or a manuscripts) and of course books are could work it several different ways. Ties that Bind, Bonding Ties, etc.

    good luck with the renaming!

    the character therapist TM

  9. Wonderful suggestion, Jeannie! Thank you for taking the time to comment. I just love my ACFW friends!!
    Have a blessed Easter. He is risen!!


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